All eyes are on the Legislature for the release of the House Ways and Means budget proposal. Will it include the $500,000 missing from the governor’s budget to fund REquipment?
Please call or email your state representative if you’d like to see our reuse program continue without suffering this devastating cut. It’s easy, and they will tally how many calls they receive as they determine state priorities.
Need help finding your state representative? Use this link to Find My Legislator
“Hello, my name is _______, and I live in [Town or City]. I am calling [or writing] to ask Representative [Name] to please help ensure the legislature fully funds the earmark for REquipment Durable Medical Equipment Reuse in the House budget proposal. The governor’s budget proposal falls short and threatens this vital safety net for Massachusetts residents who need durable medical equipment.
“The cut will hurt seniors, veterans, children, and adults with disabilities. I know because REquipment has made such a big difference to me [or my child or parent, etc., feel free to elaborate].
“REquipment’s $500,000 earmark in line item 4120-4000 must be fully funded to sustain the program. That line should have $14,827,398.
“Please ask the representative to carry my message to the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. Thank you.”
And thank you for all that you do! Please spread the word and share this page ( so that others can know how to take action in support of durable medical equipment and assistive technology reuse in Massachusetts.
You can also sign up to be a REquipment Budget Champion and receive email updates directly to your inbox (and REquipment’s undying gratitude).