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Barely a Dry Eye at REquipment’s Tenth Anniversary Celebration

By eanderson

October 21, 2024

Last week, REquipment celebrated its 10th anniversary in the Worcester Reuse Center warehouse. The program commandeered a Dept. of Developmental Services conference room and shared a slideshow of the program’s history with partner organizations, members of the state legislature, and others invited to share in the reverie and tour the reuse center operation.

The room was full, as were the hearts of those who attended.

A roomful of people, some seated, some standing.
REquipment CEO Adriana Mallozzi with a roomful of 10th-anniversary attendees.
Four people smiling, three standing, a man is seated in a wheelchair.
REquipment’s founder, Karen Langley, State Sen. Robyn Kennedy, Paul Medeiros and Joe Bellil of Easterseals Mass.

“I want to join in screaming from the rooftops about this organization and the work that you are doing,” extolled State Sen. Robyn Kennedy.

A woman smiles and gestures standing in front of a display that reads, Thank you Massachusetts Legislature.
State Sen. Robyn Kennedy speaks to the crowd as REquipment CEO Adriana Mallozzi looks on.

Worcester Reuse Center Coordinator Jim Smith led the tour with Program Director Dan Perkins. Attendees learned how durable medical equipment is delivered, cleaned, repaired, and sanitized using a Hub Scrub with ultraviolet light.

People standing listening to a man talk in a warehouse surrounded by durable medical equipment.
Jim Smith, Worcester Reuse Center Coordinator, explains the reuse process. Jim was among the staff members honored on this day, highlighting his hard work and dedication that has kept REquipment operating through many challenges over the last ten years.

The formal celebration began with a three minute film made about the program in 2018 that opens with the late Joe Tringali, a founding REquipment board member and the program director of Stavros Center for Independent Living, a REquipment reuse partner. (Captioned below)

State Representative Mindy Domb spoke after the video, explaining with tears in her eyes, “It’s because of a phone call from Joe Tringali that I became involved once I got elected in understanding this organization, recognizing what you do, and supporting it.” She spoke passionately about the program and presented REquipment Inc. CEO Adriana Mallozzi with a citation from the Massachusetts House of Representatives recognizing REquipment’s 10th anniversary.

A woman stands and smiles with a large lit screen behind her with images. Another woman looks on behind seated in a power wheelchair.
State Rep. Mindy Domb addresses the crowd. REquipment CEO Adriana Mallozzi listens.

“There are so many things that people love about this organization,” she said, emphasizing REquipment’s trust for people to identify what they need. “You are so easy to support. And I’ll be working with my colleagues in the legislature to continue to move forward with making sure that you have the funding you need to continue to meet the needs.”

Great words to hear as another budget-making season approaches!

Sen. Kennedy was also passionate and presented a letter on behalf of the entire Worcester delegation, congratulating the program on a decade of improving the independence of individuals with disabilities. “Your mission has made a profound impact on our community,” she was heartfelt in acknowledging.

In attendance, as well, were Rep. Bruce Ayers, founder of the Quincy Helping Hands reuse program, Kenneth Bergeron from Rep. James O’Day’s office, and Robert Totaro from Webster Five Savings Bank, who provided REquipment, Inc., a vital line of credit when the nonprofit was just launching in 2016.

“As a local savings bank, this is exactly the type of organization that you want to support,” he said as he accepted a REquipment Program Champion award.

“We will be telling everyone on Beacon Hill about this program,” promised Rep. Bruce Ayers. “It’s a game changer.”

REquipment program founder and retired CEO Karen Langley was feted during and after the formal presentation for her vision, dedication, tenacity, and personal sacrifice to bring REquipment to where it is today. Karen told the room that founding the REquipment program was the culmination of her long career in disability services and her most important work.

She used most of her time, however, to thank the staff and community and to acknowledge the passing of Program Director Jen Baker in 2022, who had helped to steer REquipment through the pandemic. Jen Baker was her great friend and partner in growing the program into a resource now heavily relied on by families, individuals, veterans, children, service providers, and therapists. “I called her every day,” she said.

A woman speaking, holding a certificate, while a man listens smiling.
REquipment founder Karen Langley presents an award of appreciation to REquipment Program Director Dan Perkins, who stepped up after Jen Baker died in 2022 to help steer the ship.

Program champion and advocate Olivia Richard also attended. The video sharing her story as one of the program’s longest users and supporters closed out the presentation to remind attendees of the tremendous difference a reuse program makes for individuals and the Commonwealth as a whole when it is sustained over time. Applause greeted its conclusion.

“It was an incredible day,” exuded REquipment CEO Adriana Mallozzi, who worked overtime to see this anniversary properly acknowledged. “It was profoundly moving to hear how important the program is to so many. Everyone who has played a role feels a sense of ownership. This program truly belongs to the community.”

Attendees were lavished with food, balloons, and gifts donated by area businesses. Thanks to everyone expressing their love, support, and appreciation for REquipment.

A smiling woman in the foreground of a room full of people, including a man holding a gift basket.
Left to right: former REquipment Program Coordinator Randi Sargeant (far left), former CEO of Easterseals MA Kirk Joslin (a lucky chance drawing winner!), Sheila Donovan Joslin, and Dawn DiMartino of UCP Western Mass.

When a community comes together with a clear mission, watch out! Truly, anything is possible.

A group of thirteen people smiling for the camera, most wearing REquipment polo shirts.
The event was a rare opportunity to take a REquipment program staff photo. Left to right: Hector LeBron, Site Coordinator with Stavros CIL; Amin Ulloa, Equipment Technician, Stavros CIL, Karen Langley, REquipment founder, and retired CEO REquipment, Inc.; Eliza Anderson, REquipment Editor, and Marketing Coordinator; James Riel, REquipment Technician; Anthony Calderon-Diaz, Driver/Technician REquipment, Inc.; Dan Perkins, REquipment Program Director; Adriana Mallozzi, CEO REquipment, Inc.; Jim Smith, Worcester Reuse Center Coordinator, DDS; Brian Sullivan (kneeling), Equipment Technician, Stavros CIL; Bill Fredette, Driver/Technician, REquipment, Inc.; Rodney Salsbury, Equipment Technician, Stavros CIL, Tiffaney Connelly, Assignment Coordinator, REquipment, Inc.


A branded program van surrounded by durable medical equipment and balloons in the sunshine.
It was also a gorgeous day to show off a REquipment van with an array of donated devices.