September 21, 2023
These are busy, busy days at REquipment. We are getting ready for our expansion. Soon assistive technology (AT) will be available free in our inventory to Massachusetts residents, and we couldn’t be more excited. Of course, we ask for your patience as we work out the kinks and wrinkles.
Here’s what’s happening:
At the start of October, we will make our new website live. (You’ll notice it’s still us, don’t worry).
There you’ll find all your favorite resources and top-level buttons for getting to the inventory, donating devices, and donating money. We will also have a link to the Get AT Stuff classifieds. This is a great way to find devices for sale, free, or wanted in Massachusetts. (It’s like Craig’s list for AT.)
In the REquipment inventory, you’ll notice a new look and feel. This is the site managed by MassMATCH. Best of all… you’ll notice AT!
If you’re following us on Facebook, you’ve seen a few of the items we are collecting and refurbishing. We have a variety of devices to launch with, and we will release them in batches as we gain our sea legs. Smaller items will be available to collect at our partner sites, may be combined with larger items for delivery, or mailed at the requester’s expense via FedEx. We will provide a shipping cost once we know what you are requesting and where you live.
Here is a sample of AT you’ll find:
A geemarc Wake Up Call. This alarm clock with bed shaker features a jumbo alarm clock with large buttons, adjustable volume (includes extra loud), and an extra large LED display. Alarm options include sound, flash, and bed shaker!

A mini bike-pedal exerciser. Great for arms or legs. Use at the office or home to increase circulation, relieve tension, burn calories, and build strength.

A cool grabber tool for reaching and grasping. This one has a rotating claw and magnetic tips! (Brand new, too.)

Cane tips… designed for all-terrain travel and better stability. Add a wide base to your cane or set of crutches to increase the cane’s contact with the ground. Works with most canes and crutches that have a 3/4″ diameter shaft.

A Humanware Trekker talking GPS! This is an orientation aid that locates your position through Global Positioning System (GPS) and relays it to digital maps of your area. This item includes a case, charger, user guide, and an external speaker. It does need a USB cable.
As you can tell, we’ve expanded the variety and types of devices we are accepting for donation. If you’d like to donate a piece of equipment that could have a great second life with a Massachusetts neighbor, please let us know. Here is the updated list of what we are accepting and not accepting.
Choose to reuse! And thank you for caring for your community.