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Pappas Rehab Expands its Reuse Impact!

By eanderson

February 1, 2017

Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children–formerly the Mass Hospital School–is on track to nearly double the number of durable medical devices (DME) they refurbish and deliver to persons with disabilities this year.

Pappas has been a REquipment partner since the durable medical equipment (DME) reuse program was first piloted in 2013. In 2016, the REquipment program received state funding, allowing us to put additional contracted staff with Pappas.

The impact is already impressive. In the first half of FY2017, Pappas has delivered almost 40% more devices than it did for all of FY2016. To date this year, savings to seniors, families and individuals is over $160,000!

As the Mass Hospital School, Pappas had been providing some form of DME reuse services to their clients for decades. Now as a part of the REquipment network of statewide reuse sites, their services and expertise are reaching more area residents and supporting greater independence and quality of life.

Last week, Roxy and I visited their newly expanded reuse space in Canton.

Smiling woman with rollator in a room full of DME.
REquipment Program Coordinator Roxy Rocker at Pappas RHC

Staff members are needed for cleaning donated wheelchairs, rollators, shower chairs … all donated DME that goes out to individuals and families in Greater Boston. Pappas also provides delivery and coordination.

Four people standing and smiling
Left to right is Patrick Wallace, REquipment Site Coordinator, Jim “Dr. Jim” O’Neil, Driver; Roxy Rocker, REquipment Program Coordinator and Gary Rabideau, Director of Rehab Engineering. (Missing is Cleaner/Technician Tim O’Brien)
Two smiling men in a large room with mobility equipment, one is seated on a scooter.
Patrick Wallace, REquipment Site coordinator (seated), and Gary Rabideau, Director of Rehabilitation Engineering at PHRC.

We are grateful to have such a dedicated, experienced, reuse partner!