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REquipment Supports Food Security on the Cape

By eanderson

September 9, 2020

Back of the Mobile Food Pantry bus shows slogan Fighting Hunger - Feeding Hope and in a window is the REquipment logo.REquipment is delighted to announce a new partnership with the Cape Organization for the Rights of the Disabled (CORD’s) Mobile Food Pantry. The Mobile Food Pantry serves thousands of residents with disabilities who can’t get to food pantries on the Cape. CORD and REquipment are joining forces to spread the word about their essential services for individuals with disabilities.

CORD is the independent living center that serves individuals with disabilities on the Cape and Islands. CORD’s bus removes access barriers by bringing food closer to where people with disabilities live, increasing food security, and improving health. The Mobile Food Pantry has a visible presence on the Cape; the bright yellow bus travels across 13 towns between Bourne and Provincetown. The bus is operated by volunteers and since inception, the program has distributed 6,800 bags of food from designated delivery sites.

REquipment does not have a physical presence on the Cape. Getting the word out about our program has been a challenge there. The visibility of that bright yellow bus inspired us to purchase ad space and help support its mission. Now, as the bus travels up and down the Cape, REquipment’s logo and message is carried with it: “Choose to Reuse Your DME.” Our ad is helping support the operation of a program that has been “Fighting Hunger – Feeding Hope” since 2016.

We are thrilled to join together in this way and help promote food security and greater independence and safety at home and in the community. We hope to see an increase in equipment donations as well as equipment reassignments on the Cape this next year as a result of this partnership.

For more information about the Mobile Food Pantry contact CORD at (508) 775-8300 or