May 1, 2017
Join us on Saturday, May 20th from 9 – 2 pm at 100 Laurel Street in East Bridgewater
REquipment is holding its first equipment donation drive serving the Bridgewater area. The drive is co-sponsored by Independence Associates, Old Colony Elder Services, Easter Seals and School on Wheels Massachusetts. It is the first in a series of drives to be held across the state; gently-used durable medical equipment (DME), as well as new school supplies, will be collected.
“Equipment drives are a great way to collect a large number of items on one day for our inventory,” notes REquipment Program Director Jennifer Baker. “Generally we pick-up one donation at a time, which takes a lot longer and costs us a lot more. Drives help to conserve our program’s limited resources.”
Residents of communities surrounding East Bridgewater are urged to come drop off their unneeded durable medical equipment on drive day. Much of the equipment to be collected will benefit elders served by Old Colony Elder Services. Armindo Rocha, Old Colony’s homecare supervisor, says many of the seniors he serves need safety equipment in their homes. “Items like tub seats and shower chairs, as well as transport wheelchairs are needed so families can easily bring their elders to appointments in the community,” he says. “These devices are not always covered by insurance or the family needs a second device in another home or location.”
REquipment also encourages donations of power and manual wheelchairs, scooters, rollator-type walker, portable ramps, standers and adapted strollers. REquipment does not accept canes, crutches, walkers, commodes or hospital beds. (These may be offered to local Council on Aging loan closets.)
“We have a generous community,” observes Steve Higgins, Executive Director of Independence Associates. Steve offered his center’s location for the drive without hesitation. Independence Associates is the independent living center serving 31 cities and towns on the South Shore including East Bridgewater. “We serve many people both young and old with disabilities who can benefit from this drive or make a donation if there’s equipment they’re not using.” Independence Associates, along with Easter Seals MA, are also recruiting young people to volunteer and work the day through their Youth Leadership Network and Transition to Adulthood Programs.
In addition to gently-used durable medical equipment, the drive will also be collecting new school supplies such as paper, pens and backpacks to benefit students impacted by homelessness and served by School on Wheels Massachusetts.
If you live in the Bridgewater area, please bring your unused durable medical equipment and school supplies. Stop by, too, to learn more about programs serving elders and people with disabilities and about School on Wheels. Our programs make a tremendous difference for young and old in Massachusetts.