January 4, 2021
I, like almost everyone else, am happy to see 2020 go. Even though the pandemic is still at a peak, there is some hope with the vaccines rolling out this past week that an end is in sight for 2021. Next step is to get every American, who wants and is able to receive the vaccine, one for free.
I am very hopeful for the DME Reuse Program as we enter the new year as our funding cut has been restored, which will allow us to add additional staff to pick up donations, evaluate, sanitize, refurbish and deliver even more durable medical equipment. Since July 2020, we have delivered 737 pieces of equipment to MA residents. Equipment such as power and manual wheelchairs, standers, rollators, tub seats and shower chairs, lifts, portable ramps and more. We are on target to deliver 1500 by June 30th. Our friends and neighbors, who are seniors, children and adults with disabilities and others, are in need of equipment and we want to provide them with free, quality refurbished durable medical equipment so they can lead safer and more independent lives in their home and community.
We also couldn’t do this without donors, both financial and equipment. Without donated equipment, this program wouldn’t be in existence. We hope to continue to receive bulk donations from individuals, assisted living and other facilities, that no longer need it. I am incredibly grateful for financial donors, big and small, that help to pay for a tank of gas, replacement wheelchair batteries and the costs associated with doing business in the state. Please continue to support this “safety net” program so it will be there when needed.
Sadly, some people who have survived the COVID-19 virus will go on to have long term symptoms and conditions. Their chronic condition may mean they will need durable medical equipment for mobility or to conserve strength or energy. We will continue our outreach activities to let the range of social service agencies know about our program and pass it on to the people they serve. If you need more information check our website at www.dmereuse.org or call us at 1 800 261-9841.
Stay safe, continue to wear your mask, social distance, wash your hands frequently, get the vaccine when available and look out for others.
Happy New Year!